Damage formulas:
Damage = 77 * ((pAtk * lvlMod + power ) * 0,666 * SS * SS_bonus * weapon_random * cdBonus * cdResist * cdPosition + cdStatic + damage_bonus) / (sDef + pDef) * weaponTrait * attBonus * PvPBonus * PvEBonus * powerBonus * skillCritBonus * damageResist wherein : staticBonus = (cdStatic + cdStaticResist + cdStaticPosition) * 6 damage_bonus = (pAtk * SS * SS_bonus * lvlMod + power) * 0.666 * weapon_random * isPosition
Physical damage skills:
damage = 77 * [(pAtk * lvlMod + power) * powerBonus * chargeBonus * weapon_random] / (sDef + pDef) * attBonus * PvPbonus * PvEbonus * SS * SS_bonus * critMult * skillCritBonus * damageResist + static skillPowerBonus * damage critonus
Skill Damage with Bow / Crossbow:
damage = 70 * [pAtk * lvlMod + pAtk + 2 * power] * powerBonus / (sDef + pDef) * attBonus * PvPbonus * PvEbonus * SS * SS_bonus * crit * critBonus * damageResist + diff_skill_power * crit * critSkill * damageResist
Simple Ranged Attack:
damage = 70 * ([pAtk + pAtk * cdMult * cdBonus * cdPosition * cdResist + isPosition * pAtk] * weapon_random * SS * SS_bonus + cdStatic) / (sDef + pDef) * attBonus * PvPbonus * PvEbonus * damagers
Simple Melee Attack:
damage = 77 * ([pAtk * cdMult * cdBonus * cdPosition * cdResist + isPosition * pAtk] * weapon_random * SS * SS_bonus + cdStatic) / (sDef + pDef) * attBonus * PvPbonus * PvEbonus * damageResist
Healing skills:
Heal = base_heal + weapon_bonus where: base_heal = (power + sqrt (mAtk + mAtk * spiritshot_bonus_1) + staticHealBonus + spiritshot_bonus_3 * magic_level_mod) * percentHealBonus sqrt is the root of weapon_bonus weapon = lvlmAod * base_ weapon
Explanations for the stats:
lvlMod: For characters level 1-99: (lvl+89)/100. For characters level 100+: (lvl+89+4*(lvl-99))/100. For the 100+ level heal formula: (lvl+88+6*(lvl-99))/100.
Already calculated bonus for levels 1-99:
100 1.93
101 1.98
102 2.03
103 2.08
104 2.13
105 2.18
106 2.23
107 2.28
108 2.33
109 2.38
110 2.43
111 2.48
112 2 .53
113 2.58
114 2.63
115 2.68
116 2.73
117 2.78
118 2.83
119 2.88
120 2.93
magic_level_mod - Magic skill level bonus used for healing skills. Counts as mLvlMod1 - (mLvlMod2-mAtk)/5. The value (mLvlMod2-mAtk)/5 cannot be less than 0, so it is relevant only for characters whose mage. attack does not exceed ~1500, in most cases only mLvlMod1 is used. All this is considered according to a very peculiar formula, so I will post ready-made calculations. The value on the left is the magic level of the skill, do not confuse it with the level of the character.
Already calculated bonus 1-120:
pAtk - character's current physical attack. You can find it in the character status window.
pDef - the target's current physical defense. You can find it in the character status window.
sDef - current physical defense of the shield, if equipped. You can find it in the shield description window. Can only be used when successfully blocking an attack with a shield.
mAtk - character's current magical attack. You can find it in the character status window.
mDef - the target's current magical defense. You can find it in the character status window.
cdMult - Standard critical attack multiplier. If the attack is critical, then=2, otherwise=1.
cdBonus - percentage bonus to critical attack power. Applies only to critical attacks and blow skills.
cdResist - Percentage bonus to defense against a critical attack. Applies only to critical attacks and blow skills. For blow skills, it counts as=(bonus-1)/2+1
cdStatic - static bonus to critical attack power. Applies only to critical attacks and blow skills.
cdStaticResist - Static bonus to critical attack resistance. Applies only to critical attacks and blow skills.
cdStaticPosition - static bonus to critical attack power. Applies only to critical attacks and blow skills, depending on the position of the attacking character relative to the target.
skillCritBonus - A bonus to the power of a critical attack with a skill. Only applies to skill critical attacks.
cdPosition - percentage bonus to the power of a critical attack, depending on the position of the attacker relative to the target. Applies only to critical attacks and blow skills. For blow-skills, it is considered as=(bonus-1)/2+1
power - the power of the skill indicated in the description of the skill. (For enchanted skills, the actual strength is not indicated in the description, the description does not change with each enchantment, but sometimes the strength increases up to 40%!).
powerBonus - percentage bonus to skill power.
staticPowerBonus - static bonus to skill power.
chargeBonus = 1 + 0.1 * (3 - max_charge + charge_count). where max_charge - max. the number of charges that the skill can consume (available in the description, no more than 3), charge_count - the number of charges that the skill consumes at the moment. Only applies to skills that consume charges.
isPosition - A bonus applied depending on the position of the attacking character relative to the target. Front=0, Side=0.1, Back=0.2. For skills like Blow: Front=0, Side=0.15, Back=0.25.
weapon_mAtk - weapon magic attack. You can find out by clicking on the weapon.
weapon_random - random spread of damage. It differs depending on the type of weapon.
SS - bonus soulshots depending on the type of attack when using a weapon. No weapon = 1, dual wield = 2.04. All other weapons = 2.
spiritshot_bonus_1 = 3 for blessed spiritshots, 1 for spiritshots, 0 if no spiritshots are used.
spiritshot_bonus_3 = 2.4 for NG blessed spiritshots, 1.2 for D+ blessed spiritshots, 1 for spiritshots, 0 if no spiritshots are used.
SS_bonus = Bonus that increases soulshot/spiritshot bonus.
percentHealBonus - percentage bonus to healing skills.
staticHealBonus - static bonus to healing skills.
PvPbonus - PvP damage percentage bonus.
PvEbonus - percentage bonus damage in PvE.
attBonus - attribute percentage bonus.
damageResist - resistance to received damage.
STRmod - character STR modifier, tabular value.
DEXmod - character's DEX modifier, tabular value.
CONmod - character's CON modifier, table value.
INTmod - character's INT modifier, table value.
WITmod - character's WIT modifier, table value.
MENmod - character's SPIRIT modifier, tabular value.
CHAmod - character's CHAR modifier, tabular value.
LUCmod - character's LUC modifier, tabular value.